"The emergency we've made for ourselves as a species begs for books like Michael Salu's haunting and beautiful Red Earth. At once vast and intimate, galactic and rooted in the earth, this book reads like a genre unto itself. Here are the sonics of poetry and the choral qualities of theatre. Voices swirl and speak, then are lost to the wind. Memories appear and dissolve before nostalgia can snatch them into tidy orbits. To enter this book is to enter a cosmic reckoning with finitude, a record, a warning, and a psalm of our time."—John Freeman, author of Wind, Trees

Available now from Calamari Archive (Press).
Read an extract from the afterword in the Paris Review.

For some years now I have conducted extensive creative and critical research on new technologies, and their impact on society. These works take the form of essays, fiction, exhibitions, film, literary editions, talks, academic collaborations and now, a book.
I am a writer, artist, critic, filmmaker and creative director, my work and ideas find a place in a multidisciplinary practice. My writing, art and talks have recently centred on where the evolving semantics of technology, language and geo-politics meet. My written work has appeared in many literary journals, magazines and art publications.

I have often given talks and contributed to the art and media curriculums of various universities including The Royal College of Art, Kingston University, Birmingham University and Norwich University. I have been an advisor to the AOI (Association of Illustrators), a mentor at The Photographers Gallery and have been a guest speaker and moderator at a variety of live events and symposiums across the arts including TEDx and 5x15.

I have picked up awards for my design and direction, and I am the founder of House of Thought, an artistic research practice and consultancy focusing on bridging creative, critical thinking and technology and is part of Planetary Portals, a research collective with Kathryn Yusoff, Kerry Holden and Casper Laing Ebbensgaard.

Red Earth, the book of prose at the centre of my interdisciplinary project, is published by Calamari Archive in October.

Have a look at my recent guest edition on writing and technology for Writer's Mosaic and the anthology 'Cybernetics, or Ghosts?' (Subtext Books UK, 2024). They'll give you an idea of some of what I am thinking about and how I apply my ideas across different disciplines and collaborations. The edition is inspired by Italo Calvino's 1967 essay, Cybernetics and Ghosts.
Created as part of the Planetary Portals collective
How to reach me